Prior to choosing to live alcohol free, my relationship with alcohol was the most important one to me. More important than family, friends and jobs. How important of a part does alcohol play in your life? Coaching and supporting people to have healthier relationships with alcohol, family, friends and themselves is the work I’ve been doing for two plus decades. Now, with Annie Grace’s Naked Mind tools, my tool box’s benefits have increased by a lot.

Are you ready to have healthier relationships in all areas of your life? I can help you.

Let’s connect for your free 15-minute discovery call, book today.

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15min Consultation


There is one person we’re in relationship with 24/7, that person is ourselves. In addition, every relationship we are engaged in is simply an out-picturing of the one we are having with ourselves. For the first three decades of my life I blamed everyone and everything outside of myself and believed they or it were the problem. It took a Near Death Experience and owning I had a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol for me to begin owning that I was the real problem. Thus, began my journey to know and own myself from the inside out. When you’re ready to take full personal responsibility for yourself , your life and all of your relationships, then allow me to walk that path with you.

“Our worth and our belonging are not negotiated with other people. We carry those inside of our hearts.”

Brene Brown


Living alcohol free

The worst thing I did during my drinking days was yell at my young child to “shut the f*** up” while she was stroking my cheek, telling me everything was ok. Wow, the shame and embarrassment that have been triggered by writing this are deep. I own these uncomfortable, wicked awful feelings. Do I live in these feelings and let them bury me in darkness in my life and relationships? Not anymore. Whenever they get triggered, I own them. Like Brene Brown says, “give them seats in the arena of your life,”
and I have. (thanks, Brene)

Is alcohol wreaking havoc on you, your family, your co-workers, and your friends?
I’m here for you, to coach, counsel, and walk with you into a new life of living alcohol-free.
Thales was asked what is easiest for man (people) Thales answered, “To give one’s opinion.” Thales was asked what is most difficult, Thales answered, “To know one’s self.”

“Alcohol does not relieve stress; it erases your  senses and your ability to think. Alcohol ultimately  erases your self.”

Annie Grace,

This Naked Mind

Annie Grace


Reclamation is about reclaiming your Spirit. This is the part of you that has no beginning and no end. That part of you connects us all. Some may refer to this part as our Soul.

There are many ways to be in relationship with our Spirits. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Indigenous Spirituality, Paganism, and more are tools we use as part of our daily spiritual practices. Combining multiple spiritual practices can peacefully coexist in one’s belief system.

“Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.”

Thomas Aquinas